
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Cade is 18 Months

I'm the worst at blogging.

This last week, Cade turned 18 months. This is such a fun age, his personality is coming out in full force and he is so full of LIFE. The best way I could possibly describe him is undeterrably curious. He must try everything.

He's working on his words, too - his favorite word is "no." But he also has his favorite foods nailed (crackers, cookies, bananas, and berries). I promise I feed him real food. He can also say, "Do this", "Good girl", "Bye", "Hello", "Ball", "Tractor", "Car", "Basketball", "Get you", "Airplane", "Car", "Uh Oh" (whenever he needs help), "Oh no", "All done", and some other things I can't recall right now.

He loves animals, big machinery, being outside, eating, and 

ALSO in the last week, we moved. That totally wreaked havoc on his sleep schedule and little body in general, but he's adjusting well and finally coming back to my happy little boy. I think he feels like he lost a lot of independence and free reign, and it made me feel so bad because I could just see him craving comfort and familiarity. It's hard when you can't explain WHY his whole life just changed.

And another ALSO, I'm 13.5 weeks pregnant and totally lost my milk this week so he had to wean on top of it all. That's a mixed bag of emotions for me, I've absolutely loved nursing and the bonding that brought, not to mention it was the easiest and always available comfort for any problem - night time wakeup, meltdown, hunger, or just a need for a snuggle. 18 months was a good ride, a lot longer than I originally thought we'd make it but at this point, not as long as I had hoped we would (2 years was what I was shooting for). It seemed like it would be a good way to help him transition to a new sibling, but we'll work it all out. In any case, I'm grateful that we were able to enjoy that for as long as we did and for all of the beautiful moments and difficult times it helped us through. I honestly don't know how we would have survived this cold and flu season without it.

I'm so grateful to be this spunky, energetic little boy's mom. He teaches me so much every day, I'm learning more patience and 90% of my waking brain is focused on how to help him grow and learn and adjust and honestly feeling like I'm failing at it a lot of the time. I figure, though, that as long as I'm doing my best and he feels important and loved, then I'm doing the right thing.

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