
Monday, January 4, 2016

A beginning.

I started this blog specifically to keep a journal of our IVF experience. I don't want this on our other blog - the one that's been neglected for years - because I want this to be a separate part of our lives.

I also wanted to put this out there for any other friends or strangers who might be wondering where all the others like them are.

Being childless Mormons, I am constantly searching for other people like us - married a while, no children, no prospect of having children naturally - and so far, everybody can fit on one hand!

So for those of you who feel like unicorns, let me fill you in.

We've been married for five and a half years and trying to have children for nearly three of them.

The first year, in 2013, we were all set and just certain that a positive pregnancy test was just around the corner. Around the 6 month mark, with no luck, I was antsy and probably spent what could have been a retirement fund on pregnancy tests and the concern was mounting.

Almost at the year mark, I knew something was wrong. Without getting into the details, my body wasn't functioning properly and after a fair (and by fair I mean countless hours and days and weeks) of research, I was pretty sure I had PCOS. A doctor's visit and ultrasound confirmed - PCOS, and I still remember hearing the words: "It's going to be extremely difficult for you to get pregnant."

A few months later, we started treatment with our first RE. She reaffirmed the diagnosis of PCOS and steered us toward an IUI cycle with Clomid and Gonal-F. On minimal doses of both of these medications, we had to cancel the cycle due to 9 nearly mature follicles. Read: putting Octo-mom to shame. With many tears and out a few thousand dollars, we opted not to go back for a number of reasons to that doctor.

The next May, we met our new doctor who's praises I can't sing highly enough. After many bloodtests and observation, she diagnosed hypothalamic amenorrhea in conjunction with lean PCOS. She wanted to try another IUI but this time with Femara in hopes of stimulating less follicles, and after an extended 3 weeks - I repeat, 3 WEEKS - of stimming, we had to cancel for the same reason.

She kindly explained that we were one of 2 cases she had ever seen of this combined diagnosis and while she would like to try a 3rd IUI, there was no reason beyond faith and hope to expect it to turn out differently and strongly recommend we consider IVF.

In my heart of hearts, I knew she was right and that was what we would need to do. We put a brief 3 month hold to get our minds and finances in order to proceed.

In that time, we got a job offer that brought us back to our home state of Utah and are now preparing to meeting with our 3rd RE to finally do IVF.

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