
Saturday, June 25, 2016

20 weeks pregnant with Baby G

So I guess we'll just update this blog every 5 weeks. Hah. Which means, only four more updates until we have Baby G!

Pictured above: me feeling like a good wife after getting dressed up for date night because I now have MATERNITY PANTS! This means I can wear regular outfits instead of the same four dresses and 2 pairs of gym shorts I've been wearing non-stop for the last 8 weeks.

Please note: most days I don't wear pants except for maybe an hour or so when Jeff gets home so he doesn't think I'm a total slob but I really just hate wearing clothes right now.

Feeling tons of movement, typically in the afternoon and evenings, sometimes late morning. Baby G seems to get real happy right after dinner and that's usually when Jeff is able to feel him (I'm calling it him because that's what I think it is).  We find out on Tuesday (!!!!!) whether it's a he or a she and I might actually write a special blog post juuuust for that.

In the meantime, I'm loving, loving, loving being pregnant this week. I'm always grateful to be pregnant but I've felt a lot better than I have in a while despite having a cold. For the past several weeks I've had some pretty rough SI joint pain that made it hard and super not fun to do things like sit, walk, bend over, etc. It was not awesome. However, this cold was a blessing in disguise on that front. Due to not being able to breathe, I slept in the recliner for two nights and I don't know what happened, but that position caused my SI joint to slide back into place. When getting up in the morning didn't take 3 minutes just to figure out which leg to lift first, I knew we were golden. THANK GOODNESS FOR COLDS.


FOOD CRAVINGS:No, just hungry a lot. As per usual I will not refuse good Mexican. Or really any Mexican. I like my food spicy but I think I've always liked it spicy.

ANYTHING MAKE YOU QUEASY: Nope. Not even a little.

WEIGHT GAIN: 12 lbs.


HAPPY OR MOODY: Very happy! Feeling baby moving around is the greatest. I'm already sad/happy when I think about the day I'll get to hold our baby in my arms but not be able to feel it moving in my belly. I am terrified and also grateful that right now I have the ability to do everything I can to shield our baby from physical harm and it's going to be an adjustment to not have that built-in capability once it's here. I can't wait to stop calling it and "it", by the way.

SYMPTOMS: Not really any this week! I had a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions after our family campout this week which I think was due to being pretty active and not staying hydrated well enough, but after a few days of rest and a lot of fluids they went away. I've had a strong feeling to be cautious physically since the very beginning of this pregnancy and I have for the most part been very good. Some women can stay active and run half marathons while pregnant, but I really do feel my body is pretty sensitive to that and even though I like to think I was in decent shape before conceiving, right now it's main priority is to grow this little baby of ours.

 LOOKING FORWARD TO: Gender ultrasound!!!

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