
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

2/23: Embryo Transfer Complete

Today was the big day! We went in to have one or two embryos transferred, but we weren't sure what to do until the doctor sat down with us.

Out of 11, we had 2 good quality blastocysts, with one lagging a little behind to potentially bring it up to 3.

That felt like a blow to the stomach, but I chose not to think about it til after the transfer.

They gave us "post-op" instructions ( I feel weird calling it post op but we did go into a sterile room and made us gown up and wear hair nets and booties and masks) and handed me a valium to relax and off we went.

I wish we had taken pictures but I didn't have the presence of mind to ask. The embryologist came in and visited with us, explained the grading system and on a scale of 1-6, the one we transferred was a 4AB. So on the better side of good - she said they look for anything from 3-5, and rarely see a 6. We opted to freeze our other embryo and they will look tomorrow to see if the lagging one caught up to a viable stage.

The process itself was really quick - they do an ultrasound to make sure everything looks good, prep you, and then you watch the embryologist on screen suck up your little embryo into a tube and then watch on the screen as it gets transferred home!

Here's a picture of the cute little embryo that I'm currently carrying. Please pray that it sticks around!

And... that's it! It's strange to think that an entire month and a half of prepping, doctors visits, medicine, and excitement has already finished.

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